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CALCRIM vs. CALJIC: Criminal Jury Instructions Revised and Updated in 2006
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Thursday, March 30, 2006 presented by the San Diego County Bar Association and Private Conflicts Counsel

Featuring:  Honorable Laura Hammes, Honorable Michael Orfield, Elaine Alexander, Esq., Peter Hughes, esq., Alex Landon, esq., Wendy Patrick Mazzarella, Esq., Patricia Robinson, Esq., Tracy Rogers, Esq.

First Speaker: 
Wendy Patrick Mazzarella(overview), deputy district attorney
Second Speaker: 
Tracy Rogers(prosecution perspective), deputy city attorney, criminal division. 
Message:  Jury instructions are here to stay, read them aloud to yourself before you use them in trial.
Third Speaker:
Alex Landon(defense perspective)
Rule 855:  CALCRIM open to challenge- CALJIC approved by courts are still valid.
Fourth Speaker:
Laura Hammes(judicial perspective)
New instructions are, by and large, great.
Legal Research Topic:  Comparison of Placement of Word "Unlawfully" in Old 8.11 Caljic and NEW 520 Calcrim
Fifth Speaker:
Elaine Alexander(appellate defenders, inc.)
Jury Instructions are not the law!  Courts are the law!  Challenge the new instructions because they are not tested.

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